Current Issue
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Kaumodaki

Kaumodaki, a journal of multidisciplinary studies, is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, published by the Research Management Cell, Vinduwasini Sanskrit Vidyapeeth (Campus), Nepal Sanskrit University, Pokhara, Nepal. Indexed in NepJoL, it provides a platform for researchers, scholars and faculty members to enhance their intellectual pursuit, dealing with various issues like literature, literary criticism and theory, philosophy, language, culture, and so on.
Full Issue
- Advisors & Editorials
- Bhola Narayan Regmi
- Churamoni Kandel
- Front Cover
- Guidelines for Authors
- Jagannath Regmi
- kaumodaki
- Kaumodaki (Full)
- Keshav Raj Chalise
- Narayan Chalise
- Publisher
- Prakash Paudel
- Prakash Tiwari
- Table of Contents
- Roster of Reviewers
- Sabindra Raj Bhandari
- Satya Raj Subedi
- Shiva Raj Panta
- Suraj Paudel
- Table of Contents
- Yog Raj Paudel